Why I Stopped Following My Dream

Placeholder ImageSince the first grade I always wanted to be a veterinarian. My senior year I told my mom that I didn’t want to be one anymore. Here I am at 21 wondering why I stopped trying. Why didn’t I apply to my dream school and get into their vet school? Yesterday I asked my mom that question. She told me “Don’t you remember telling your uncle what school you wanted to go to?” I sat there with a blank stare not having the slightest clue of what she was talking about. We sat there staring at each other until I finally shook my head no. She said “He told you your GPA wasn’t high enough.” As soon as she said that it was almost as if I had a flashback of the conversation. I remember crying that night when I got home because I felt stupid. Being that I was the person that I was back then I threw the whole notion out of ever becoming one. It completely discouraged me. I sat on the couch upset because I knew the person I am now wouldn’t have cared about his two cents about my future. I would’ve done it regardless and the day that I would’ve graduated from my dream school he would’ve been the first to get an invitation with my face plastered all over it with the words: I came and I conquered – graduate of 2018. He would’ve also gotten another invitation to my second graduation which would be me graduating from vet school with the words: Don’t let anyone say you can’t – graduate of 2022. Now I’m on a different path and interested in perioperative nursing. I’m actually in school to be a surgical technologists and in the process of taking prerequisites for the program. I’ve interviewed a few people and all that I’ve talked to have said that they loved it and would go back to it if they could. I think I’ve made the right choice but I’m still young and if I want to go back to my day one dream job then I will.

One thought on “Why I Stopped Following My Dream

  1. Nicely written. I’m a firm believer in not letting self (or other) imposed limitations get in the way of living the life you want to live, be it career or otherwise. All the best.


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